Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Time rough draft

 I am going to keep working on this face series, taking pictures of my cut until it is gone.  I took some of these down...

I am going to do a series of athletes in the dark.  I will have them carry a really long black sheet and catch them with the wave pattern that their sheet makes.

I am also going to do a car series.


  1. Before reading the caption, I thought the first series was showing a progression of your beard growth...I guess when I see more of those it will become more obvious. I think you do a really good job of "stopping" time, but I wonder if there are any other methods of dealing with time that you could play with...I think the focus in the ice picture is really beautiful too.

  2. I like the idea of tracking the healing of your cut. I also appreciate the stark realism in the photos - you're shoving your face, as it is, in our face.
    I don't really understand your black-sheet-athlete idea but maybe we'll just have to wait and see how it comes out.
    I think the ice picture is beautiful as well. I'd like to see it melting.

  3. The ice picture is really beautiful, and I want to see more images like it. Maybe explore the different states of water in images such as this? I agree with Valerie about not initially understanding your cut; a different angle may help these images (the choice of cropping your face in the lower part of the image seems to want to draw attention to your beard- being more selective about facial area showing could help the viewer focus more on your beard).
    I am also interested to see how the athlete photo turns out.

  4. The first image is really interesting. I thought it was about growing your facial hair, not the healing of your cut. I dig it either way, though. The ice photo is my second favorite. It is super beautiful. Lindsey makes a good point about exploring the different states of water.
    I don't love the packing peanuts photo. It does a good job of stopping time, but that's kind of all it's doing for me.
    I'm excited to see how the athlete photos turn out.

  5. I think your idea of photographing your cut healing is a really interesting idea - however, I think you should make it more clear that we're looking at your cut, not other changes in the photograph. I also don't know how I feel about the collage effect. I also think your water image is really beautiful! I'm interested to see your car images.

  6. the ice cube is cool because we don't really have a frame of reference. how far is it from the floor? how big is it? I like that you don't answer these questions.

    with the packing peanuts, I think you can do better.
    I would try suspending them somehow so that they appear to be falling, but they're not. Maybe pin them to the wall? Then you can have something else moving and it will be strange... They would be easy to suspend so they look like they're falling.

    with the cut, I like the overlapping. keep that up. also, I like that you got closer in the second shot. that really helps emphasize the cut. You should keep getting closer until the last shot only contains the cut.
