Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Time Examples


So I think that the most interesting part of the radio show was the stuff about the relativity of time, mostly the physics stuff.  The idea that time is relative was an idea that preceded Einsteinian physics: time goes by fast during a test, slow during a lecture, fast when you're having fun, or fast when you think back over a whole year.  But when Einstein proposed that time is not linear for everybody and everything, that kind of blew everybody's minds.  I'll use one example of a real thing that is studied.  Neutrinos (from the sun) have a very short half life, so short that at the speed which they travel, they would devolve into some other piece of matter by the time they got to Earth.  However, Neutrinos hit the earth every day.  As it turns out, time goes slower for the neutrino because it is moving so fast, so it is able to make it all the way to Earth.  This makes for some pretty weird paradoxes and whatnot.  In any case this is absolutely impossible to photograph, but I think it's cool.  I really liked all the sports stuff in the show.  How the runners said that they were the bullet and that they didn't process anything when the gun was shot.

I think it might be cool to do a project on sports, but in a very contained area, and not during a race or something like that.  Something where I would get to control the background, the foreground and all the lighting.

I was going to do a picture of me sleeping through the night but we went over an image of that in class.

I like the idea of the picture every 5 minutes from photo 1.  However, instead of looking around and finding something aesthetically pleasing, I would only be able to shoot right in front of me, maybe once a minute or something.  Then I could make a giant grid out of the photos and you could go through an entire day.

I'll keep thinking.